Syndicate 2


Sunday 15 April 2012, 6.30 for 7pm.
Inspace, 1 Crichton Street, Edinburgh EH8 9AB

Syndicate 2: Real Time Strategy

Bram Gieben, Justin Katko, Lisa Otty and Jo L Walton will perform / present under the broad rubric of Real Time Strategy. The term chiefly refers to a genre of computer game, and thereby hints at Syndicate’s large, even ontologically nosy, exploratory remit.

Real Time Strategy also has an aura of the ad hoc, of acts on the fly. Just as allopoiesis elides with autopoiesis, so “real time” suggests a raft of unreal types of time: turn-based time, false time, untimeliness, being out of time, and – ahead of all – being before one’s time.


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